Category: Sea Level Rise

New INC Report: Can It Happen Here? Improving the Prospect of Managed Retreat by US Cities

Social Innovation

This research report provides city government and civic leaders with new reasons to consider the use of managed retreat as a way to strengthen their cities’ climate resilience. As mounting destruction by rising seas, hurricanes, and wildfires drives the dangers of climate change deeper into public…
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Wanted: Cities Considering “Retreat” in Anticipation of Devastating Climate Risks

After climate-driven devastation hits a community–storm & sea surges, river flooding, earthquakes, wildfires–a lot gets said about where development should never have been allowed to occur because the risks were too great–and a lot gets decided about rebuilding as much as possible to make things just…
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Pathways for Managed Retreat – A New INC Project

  We’re starting a new project, with support of the Summit Foundation–to look more closely at the challenge of “managed retreat” by cities vulnerable to sea level rise and other climate impacts. Your thoughts and examples welcome. There is not the slightest doubt that beachfront development…
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