Category: Modern City Model

Come fare un guarda qui online passo dopo passo | Magazine Banco BPM "Messaggio pubblicitario a finalità promozionale. Per le condizioni contrattuali si rinvia ai fogli informativi e/o alla documentazione contrattuale disponibili sul sito e presso le filiali della Banca.

The 30-Year Evolution of Urban Climate Innovation: From Decarbonizing to Co-benefits to Transformation

The spreading and evolving efforts of cities to reduce GHG emissions have proceeded through three stages in the past three decades: Decarbonizing Emissions, Emphasizing Co-benefits, and Seeking Transformation. In Life After Carbon, we describe the emergence of urban transformation. From Chapter 6: As climate innovations proliferate in…
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Hot and Bothered: What’s the Future of Arid Cities?

“Rethinking Cities in Arid Environments”–the latest in Arup’s “Cities Alive” series–offers fascinating insights into the urban climate adaptation challenge that gets little attention (so far) compared to sea level rise. cloudbursts, and river flooding. Arid environments–zones with scarce fresh water and precipitation–will become more challenging for…
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