SHANGHAI – The price of a ton of carbon emissions reached a high of 36 yuan, about US$6, the other day on this city’s unique trading exchange, which regulates more than 300 local enterprises, including the world’s busiest port, and the enormous Pudong airport. Shanghai’s four-year-old…
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“Our lifestyles, and their social and environmental consequences, should be the subject of serious public debate and policy, not left as a matter simply of individual taste and purchasing power. . . . Such a debate has to be bold and envisage different lifestyles and the…
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Cleveland’s Solar Production Dashboard INC President John Cleveland successfully converted to a 100% renewable energy heating and electricity system on his home in Tamworth, New Hampshire. This was accomplished through the installation of: Five Mitsubishi air-source heat pumps A heat-pump water heater A 12 KW ground-mounted…
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1. Andreas Malm, Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming (2016) “The fossil economy has one incontestable birthplace: Britain accounted for 80 percent of the global emissions of CO2 from fossil fuel combustion in 1825 and and 62 percent in…
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